sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Taller Unidades 1 y 2

Communicate Up and Down The Ladder

Successful networking means being able to communicate effectively with your peers and your bosses, but also with your employees. Let's start at the bottom.

You will never make it to the top of the management ladder without the support of the employees below you. These are the people who do the work, the people whose efforts and motivation determine your success or failure. To be promoted, you must succeed at your current position and you can not succeed at your current position without the efforts of the people who work for you.

In addition to simply doing their work, or even doing it well so you look good, your employees are also a good networking source. Many employees know other employees in other departments and they all talk. Some may even know other managers. The conversations your employees have with these other people can have a direct impact on your advancement within the company. Imagine if one of your employees tells a friend in the company, "My boss is a real jerk. He doesn't know what he's doing and doesn't listen". A different employee says of his boss, "I'd hate to lose her as my boss, but she'd be great in the VP spot". Which person do you think is more likely to get promoted?

1. Efforts (sustantivo) Esfuerzo, failure (sustantivo) Fracaso, advancement (nombre) Avance

2. Se trata sobre la comunicación en una empresa donde desde el puesto más alto, hasta el puesto más bajo en la escala tienen que tener una comunicación constante para así, conocer todos los problemas que se puedan presentar en la empresa así como al momento de promover a un empleado a un mejor puesto

3. Verbos, Adverbios, Adjetivos, Articulos, Preposiciones, Conjuncion, prefijo, sufijos, cognados verdaderos (different) (company), cognados falsos (bottom) (imagine)

Frase Nominal: the management

Nucleo: management

Pre Modificación: The

Post Modificadores: No hay

Frase Nominal: the people

Nucleo: People

Pre Modificación: The

Post Modificadores: No hay

Frase Verbal: who work for you?

Nucleo de la Frase Verbal: Work

Tiempo: Presente simple

Frase Verbal: Which person do you think is more likely to get promoted?

Nucleo de la Frase Verbal: Promoted

Tiempo: Pasado Simple

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